Our HES Spectrometers

The Benefits of Our HES Spectrometers

Traditional spectrometers use a slit to allow light to pass into the instrument and focus on the target substance. Our spectrometers are different: we use optical fibres of 1 mm – 3 mm, although a 5 mm is possible.

Using a fibre rather than a slit aids transmission; where light is usually lost, it is retained and, therefore, can be focused on the target. More light on the target delivers a stronger signal, particularly helpful when measuring substances with weak Raman signals.

ISI’s standard HES spectrometer offers a 100-fold increase in throughput over current conventional systems. This increased throughput can lead to a superior signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for a given observation over a Czerny Turner instrument. The HES spectrometer contains no moving parts and yet offers the advantages of a Michelson Interferometer with the spectral properties of a traditional diffraction grating-based device, such as a Czerny Turner spectrometer.

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Product Specifications

HES Spectrometer ideal for Raman measurements

HES Spectrometer

The high throughput/etendue of our HES spectrometers results in the instruments being ideal for low light applications and makes it possible to couple the devices via a large multimode optical fibre. They are, therefore, easy to use with a large optical telescope, unlike Czerny Turner systems with comparable resolution. Our HES spectrometers are capable of stand-off measurements at a range of 2-3 meters.

The spectrometer is available as a stand-alone instrument or a fibred-coupled Raman spectrometer, typically with a 500 mW 785 nm laser.

Detectors are available according to the end-user requirements, from ultra-low light, cooled CCD to simple CMOS devices.

  • HES 1001 – 1mm fibre and standard detector. Ideal for brighter or less challenging measurements.
  • HES 2002 – 2mm fibre and superior detector allow long integration times. Ideal for difficult or standoff measurements or samples that give off weaker signals.
  • HES3003 – 3 mm fibre and photon-counting CCD ideal for biological applications.


Feature Detail
Operating range 50-4000 cm-1 dependent on detector choice
Resolution < 2 cm-1
Fibre coupled SMA (FC/PC available)
Fibre aperture 1 mm (standard) up to 5 mm
Fibre NA 0.22
Detector Choice available
Power Detector dependent
Mass < 2 kg
Applications for our HES instruments:
  • Raman spectroscopy
  • Transmission Raman spectroscopy
  • Emission spectroscopy
  • Fluorescence spectrometry
  • Reflectance spectrometry
  • Astronomical applications
Specification Sheet:

HES Spectrometer overview