Odin – a compact deep UV Raman spectrometer

What is Deep UV Raman?

Deep UV Raman spectroscopy operates in the ultraviolet range of the spectrum, between 200 and 280 nm. Deep UV Raman spectroscopy offers the ability to detect, identify and quantify substances at much lower concentrations than is possible with near-UV, visible, or infrared (IR) methods. This is due to (a) higher photon energy (λ-4 relationship), (b) sample resonance and (c) fluorescence mitigation.

At UV wavelengths, fluorescence and Raman signatures become spectrally separated. In complex biomolecules, chromophores and aromatics resonate, resulting in a substantially amplified Raman signature compared to analogous measurements in the visible region of the spectrum. Deep UV Raman analysis then allows for studying the structure and dynamics of complex materials such as proteins and nucleic acids.

Odin – our deep UV resonant Raman spectrometer, allows us to see into previously unseen worlds.


Product Specifications

IS-Instruments compact deep UV Raman spectrometer


Deep UV Raman spectroscopy

There are two main reasons for operating at ultraviolet wavelengths:

  • Fluorescence mitigation – at UV wavelengths, fluorescence and Raman signatures become spectrally separated
  • Many biological samples resonate, and their Raman signatures are substantially amplified compared to their Raman excitation wavelengths in the visible region of the spectrum

Existing systems use high-powered gas-pumped or pseudo-pulsed lasers with low net powers. These are expensive to buy and maintain, requiring water-cooling or gas purging. This has limited their application to dedicated research facilities.
ODIN changes all that: a compact, ancillary-free instrument capable of unprecedented Raman characterisation of complex biological materials.

Odin Specification

Feature Detail
228.5 nm excitation laser wavelength
High etendue Raman spectrometer Maximises light collection
Operating Range 600-2000 cm-1
Resolution <2 cm-1
Detector Andor iDus 420
Fibre coupled FC-PC connectorised
Fibre aperture 600 µm
Fibre NA 0.22
Dimensions Tabletop
Key Features/Benefits:
  • Size – Odin is an order of magnitude smaller: it fits on a desk
  • Price – it’s significantly more affordable than other instruments
  • Diode laser – no water cooling or gas purge required
  • Maximises throughput while limiting power density at the target
Applications include:
  • Biopharmaceutical
  • Biomedical
  • Security / Defense
  • Explosives detection
  • Identification of hazardous materials
  • Process manufacturing