Raman Spectrometers

What is Raman Spectroscopy?

Raman is a spectroscopic technique that uses laser light to interact with molecular excitations and determine what a substance or element is composed of. It relies upon the inelastic scattering of photons which produces a weak signal, making the collection of information challenging particularly when the substance to be measured is at distance or can only be given short exposure times. Our Raman spectrometers are particularly effective at making Raman measurements due to their configuration which delivers a higher throughput/etendue than standard instruments.

IS-Instruments Working-off-computer-screen

Raman Spectrometers

IS-Instruments Raman Spectrometers with high throughput

HES Raman Spectrometers

Most spectrometers rely on a slit (aperture) to allow light to enter the instrument and reach the target sample. The size of the aperture affects throughput and resolution, with a narrow slit increasing resolution but decreasing signal strength. This typically presents a challenge for Raman measurements where signal strength is already a factor.

Our HES spectrometer range uses a fibre, typically of either 1 ml, 2 ml or 3 ml although up to 5ml is possible. Using a fibre aids transmission as the light that would normally be lost, particularly where a larger aperture is required, is retained. This makes the instrument significantly more sensitive to identifying Raman scatter.

As a result, our ultra-high-throughput/etendue HES spectrometers are ideal for Raman spectroscopy, capable of stand-off measurements at a range of 2 m – 3 m.


Feature Detail
Excitation wavelength 785 nm
Laser power 500 mW
Operating range 200 – 3000 cm-1 Dependent on detector (Assuming 1320 pixels)
Resolution 4 cm-1
Fibre coupling SMA (FC/PC available)
Fibre core diameter 1 mm
Fibre NA 0.22
Detector Choice available
Power Detector dependent

The standard instrument configuration has an excitation laser operating at 785 nm.