All the latest news from IS-Instruments
Benjamin Crutchley Joins IS-Instruments
Benjanmin Cructchley has joined IS instruments. Dr Crutchley recieved his [...]
New development for a Time Resolved Raman Spectrometer
IS – instruments Ltd together with the University of Leicester [...]
Tests a new camera for its range a spectrometers
ISI is currently investigating upgrades to their existing range [...]
New LIDAR applications for Rail
See the full article here
HES 2000 Spectrometer Compared to Czerny Turner Instrument
In recent years spatially offset and transmission Raman measurements [...]
ISI with UCL present at UK Rail conference
Peter Muller presents a new approach for assisting trains avoid [...]
Exciting week at ISI
IISI has been developing some new exciting technology to enhance [...]
Photonex 13
ISI headed up to the annual Photonex Exhibition to meet [...]
ISI welcomes new members to our team
ISI welcomes two new members to our team: Josh Veitch [...]
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