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Posts by category
- Category: IS-Instruments News
- Tritium Detection Using Raman Spectroscopy – The Pursuit of Nuclear Fusion
- ISI Gets Into The Ring To Fight Bowel Cancer
- ISI Wins Funding to Develop Innovations In Freeze-Drying Technologies
- Development Scientist Engineer Required To Join Our Team – We’re Hiring!
- Why Wavelength Matters in Spectroscopy
- South East Physics Network (SEPnet) – Commitment to the Future
- Patent Awarded for Gas Phase Raman Instrument
- Characterising Gases Using Raman Spectroscopic Techniques
- Odin: Realising the power of Deep UV Raman spectroscopy to characterise equine synovial fluids
- Odin – Deep UV Raman Spectrometer Shown to Measure Immunoglobulin Without Degrading Sample
- Odin – A Breakthrough in Deep UV Resonant Raman Instrumentation
- ISI and Jacobs Collaboration Delivers New Class of Spatial Heterodyne Raman Spectrometer
- IS-Instruments Wins Government Funding to Help Solve the Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Crisis
- Collaborations During COVID-19 – The Work Must Go On!
- Raman Analysis of Gas for the NUclear Sector using Microstructured Optical Fibres (RAGNUSMOF)
- New Team Members for IS-Instruments & I3D Robotics
- ISI – Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Project
- Demonstration of Stand off Raman observations
- Changes in Raman spectrum during the hydration of Mannitol
- ISI present at the BECBC Nuclear Engagement event
- Time resolved Raman using SPAD
- Time resolved Raman using SPAD
- ISI presents its latest developments in Raman Probes
- ISI develop AI tool for Raman Analysis
- ISI MiniSpec Drying Chill
- HES Spectrometer Flat Field Correction
- White light correction of Miniature spectrometer
- New optics express article published
- Check out the IS-Instruments new flyer
- IS-Instrument is pleased to announce new members to our team
- IS Instruments Ltd. new partnership with Laser Lines UK
- Miniature Spectrometer AZOm Article
- First Stage Testing of our Low Cost Products
- New Raman Spectrometer demonstrate improved performance
- Raman Spectrometer: Demonstration 3mm fibre compatible
- Demonstration of world highest throughput Raman spectrometer
- 3mm Fibre Compatible Raman Spectrometer, First Demonstration
- 3mm Fibre Compatible Raman Spectrometer
- ISI wins two new European-funded projects
- PhD position at ORC and ISI
- 3D Vision for high temperature environments
- ISI publishes new article in optics express
- Transmission Raman IR
- Patent Application (GB 2509716)
- ISI begins two new studies to Improve Raman spectrometers
- Benjamin Crutchley Joins IS-Instruments
- New development for a Time Resolved Raman Spectrometer
- Tests a new camera for its range a spectrometers
- New LIDAR applications for Rail
- HES 2000 Spectrometer Compared to Czerny Turner Instrument
- ISI with UCL present at UK Rail conference
- Exciting week at ISI
- Photonex 13
- ISI welcomes new members to our team
- New article on application of Raman spectrometer
- ISI article published in photonics spectra
- Raman Spectrometers, buisness models and other events
- ISI wins three new contracts
- Hello world!